Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tall Grass

Tall Grass                       9/2/2015

The snake may shed its skin
But it is still a snake
Crawling in the tall grass
Silent and deadly.  

Creeping and crawling
Out of sight and out of mind
Stalking its prey
Vulnerable and unaware.

We who walk
Must watch our step
As ever step
Could be our last.  

In the most common of actions
We remain the hated
Even if never discussed
And seldom honored.

Ever the blamed
The quiet and the mute
Afraid to speak
For fear of rejection
And ostracism. 

As we have watched the lone voices
Butchered and banned
Cut off from lively hood
For speaking the truth. 

They disappear
And leave ghost shadows on the wall
A stark outline
In a decaying mansion
Crumbling under the weeds.  

But let us
Who have nothing to lose
Speak like lions
No matter what may happen
And no matter what
It might cost.

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