Friday, August 29, 2014


Anonymous  8/29/2014

Some people
Want to be desired
But others have learned
What it is
And what it’s not.  

Cool isn’t cool
If it robs you of freedom
And what is life worth
If you have to lie.

If you remember the feeling
Of cruel rejection
Then you know
You can survive anything
And anywhere.  

We live until we die
So why do we run
When all we had to do
Was go through. 

The world is tiresome
And who hasn’t heard this all before
That many have given up
When they should have stayed.

No one may give a warning
And good advice is hard to find
But no one ever said
That it would be easy
This, them, and that.

If we never stretch
Then we contract
And he who is safe
Will never grow at all. 

It me the longest time
To learn that I didn’t matter
And that my dreams were wasted
Useless and dumb. 

And that it was useless
To let that hurt me
Because none of it
Was about me anyway. 

The things I wanted
I didn’t understand
And the pain that I felt
Was that of a child
Learning to be a man. 

No one will ever tell you
What it means
To really become
Instead the

It me the longest time
To learn that I didn’t matter
And that my dreams were wasted
Useless and dumb. 

And that it was useless
To let that hurt me
Because none of it
Was about me anyway. 

The things I wanted
I didn’t understand
And the pain that I felt
Was that of a child
Learning to be a man. 

No one will ever tell you
What it means
To really become
Instead they will tell you
To achieve and acquire
As if power is something
You can ever earn or keep.

We waste our lives
Trying to be God
Instead of letting God
Show us why. 

I never knew enough to ask
And I never felt worthy
Even though I tried
And even though I raged.

I was angry at the world
But it was of no use
Because all the emotion in the world
Cannot change what is wrong.  

I don’t display pictures
And I don’t advertise my name
Because now that I know
I can finally understand. 

Nothing is lost
And everything is here
Yes even the dead
And even the lost. 

All of it
Will be retrieved
And all of them
Will live again. 

It doesn’t matter
If anyone knows
And if only one ever understands
Then it will have to be enough. 

Read on
And think
Remembering that today
Everything is new
And everything is alive.  

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Squeeze 8/28/2014   

The dead are living
And the living are dead
As we try and crawl through a pinhole
On our way to the end.

Pushing at others
But never pushing ourselves
We circle again
Without thinking at all. 

Rudderless and pointless
We ride an empty vessel
To an unknown destination
Of obvious extinction. 

You can tell by the face
What is hidden in the mind
As God gives us clues
In parchment and clay.

But many refuse to see
And are blinded by emotion
Unable to accept
What is obvious and true.

Paint a picture of courage
At the moment of recognition
Turning our heads backwards
In defiance and determination. 

The tipping point is reached
And now are eyes are opened
At long last immoveable
Heroic and noble.

For we have taken the leap
And no longer fear
A long time coming
A deep and terrible dawning.

This is the beginning
Of a long forgotten ending
As the king gathers his harvest
And grinds the rest under.  

Rejoice at the revelation
That now we can see
Everything for what it is
And what it should be.

There greatest victory awaits
But not without bitter sacrifice
As we let go of all allusions
And step into the fray. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Firepower 8/26/2014

A long time coming
And building under our feet
The shifting of ages
In sand and rock. 

The friction remains silent
As the avalanche nears
Getting heavier and heavier
One inch at a time. 

For some it seems unlikely
That we have made it so far
And the silence can fool you
Into forgetting 
The danger over your head.

But just because, it hasn’t happened
Doesn’t mean that it won’t
And just because some are gentle
Doesn't mean,
That they are weak.

A good man holds his tongue
And is slow to judge
Careful and conscientious
Dutiful and polite. 

But even the best of men
Can reach the end of time
As everything comes unglued
And spins out of control.  

The world has begun to wobble
And the heroic age is here
A time for some to stand
And open up their mouths.

There is nothing more precious
Than truth
And the truth
It is everywhere
Right under our nose.

Good is evil
And evil is good  
But even this, cannot last
As the minutes are measured
And disappearing fast.  

They are the weak
Who scavenge like animals
Always searching for prey
Unaware and unprepared.  

But kindness
Is often a condition of strength
And that is where the secret lies
As the end swallows the beginning
And the tsunami hits the shore. 

Come now!
And do not waste a minute!
Because the climactic moment nears
As the good are splintered
And surrounded on every side. 

Lightening comes
And the sky drips with fire
As the whirlwind churns
Furious and demonic. 

We are spared!
And evil consumed!
Just as we knew
And just as was said. 

Come away!
And have no part of it!
The dumb, dead and wrong
As its spasms
And as it flails. 

Monday, August 25, 2014


Skidaway   8/25/2014

All feasts must end
And all the bars
Eventually close
As we slowly stumble for the exits
In huddles of twos and threes.

But it was never about
Where we were
But rather, who we were with
And if we connected in true and genuine sense
Giving, taking, and conspiring. 

Some days are so very good
That you never want them to end
And so we try and extend the moment
By sharing and exchanging
Our, highest , thoughts, wishes, and prayers. 

We vow to keep in touch
And sometimes we do
Stoking the fires of friendship
Year after year,
And decade after decade.

It’s impossible to recreate
What is authentic and spontaneous
But even though we know
We always try again and again.

And everyone should know
That you can’t put your arms
Around a puff of smoke
Even though we have tried
Every single day. 

Everything that has a beginning
Must also, have an end
Continuing on, at full speed
Until it stops
Abruptly and dead.

The wheels stop turning
And we just give up
As we drag the past behind us
And skid to a stop. 

It can make you sad
And it can break your heart
Because how often have we all?
Thought so many kind thoughts
But never done a thing.    

Time erases hard feelings
But it can never heal regret
So it just burns forever  
Eating at our souls.    

I drifted in my sleep
For the very longest time  
Until now, when it just seems silly
To ever try and make it back.

The heady days of jubilant sun
And sparkling water
Remain frozen in time
Better than what they were
In perfect greens and blues. 

Places and situations change
And, I rub the sleep from my eyes
Looking backwards on my life,
Of numberless dreams. 

We all have seen it
The beautiful glimpses of heaven
In the eyes of our mind
Viewed through sparkling glitter
And searing neon. 

We who have stared
Into the eyes of another
Searching the depths
For any kind of recognition. 

Nothing can compare to grace
And unexpected blessings
Which is what makes them so precious
The irreplaceable, irreducible
Dust of dreams. 

Dear God
Let a little bit of stardust
Falls on us  
And let us embrace
Forever in your mansion. 

All of this longing shall end
But the feast shall go on
As we drink a finer vintage
And laugh forever. 


Friday, August 22, 2014


Twisted 8/22/2014

Life is like a twisting rope
Pulled tight
And starting to fray
As we try to climb up backwards
Before we snap and fall.

Pushing and straining
Red in the face
To make ourselves successful
Even though we are destined to lose
For no point at all. 

Road signs flash by
Reminding us where we have been
And where we are going
But underneath our feet
The past is covered up
Like it never happened at all. 

Many have chosen a career
Over truth
And many have lied
To protect their reputation. 

But all of that is lost
And crumbles away
As we fall on our heads
Empty and dumb.

Useless as a broken tool
We sell ourselves
For nothing
Missing what is important
Until it’s too late.

Dead men don’t care
For their chance is over
Frozen in their pride
And emotional stupidity.

Be here we are
Just as lost as forever
Never knowing or understanding
That we were safe all along.

They have done their worst
And now they will burn
Dangling upside down
And falling forever. 

Let go
And I will catch you
Just as, I was caught
A long time ago. 

There is no fear
And there is no death
But only different places
And different matter. 

We have prepared ourselves
And will receive what we know
Deep down within
The same as we always knew.