Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Cutting Floor

The Cutting Floor 8/1/2012

When the truth becomes unspeakable
Then you know the end has come
Because no man can ever solve a problem
If he can’t even say
What it is
Or where its from.

And how can you stop the bleeding
If you cannot see the wound
As useless as a dead stump
Rotting in the ground.

There is no hope for the fearful
Who hide their heads in the sand
Because they also know
But refuse to take a stand.

At the crossroads of history
And what do we do?
But cower under our desks
Instead of speaking the truth.

Others have spent our future
And others have thrown it away
Putting off the payments
Until all of it is gone.

But all debts have a price
And this one is huge
The debt to the fallen
Who have come, fought,
And gone.

If money hasn’t solved the problem
Then maybe it’s not the cause
And its long past the time
We should have tried something else.

But no one wants to hear the truth
And no wants to take the blame
Throwing promises into the wind
Long after the cause is lost.

We love to blame others
For what we have never tried
Because we value our self image
More than we do
The truth.

But a wise man knows
That in the end
He knows precious little
And that all vanity
Is just a whistle in the dark.

There is still more unseen
Than seen
And there is still more unknown
Than explored.

We are still blind
And still fumbling
Still trying to understand
Who we are
And why we are here.

But as for me
I have seen enough to know
That there is no truth to fear
And no lie worth hiding.

Not if you aspire
For greater things
The kind of things
No one can see
But last forever.

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