Monday, August 27, 2012


Whisper 8/27/2012

All men have dreams
But all of mine were murdered
Taken away in the night
And sold into slavery.

A slave for others
To steal what they want
With my hands tired around my back
Mocked, tortured and forgotten.

Left to think about the past
And reminded every day
About all that I was
And all that might have been.

My labors and my treasure
All siphoned away
Every two weeks
All for nothing
And all for free.

Leaving me empty
And bleeding me dry
With never enough
And never a chance.

No opportunity missed
To humiliate and wound
Without any mercy
Or hesitation.

I have become nothingness
And barely cause a ripple
Whispering the truth
And bleeding from the mouth.

Less than zero
And less than nothing
A dark place
In the space
In between spaces.

But I am not the first
Nor am I the last
One of many
Cut off at the knees.

The enemy hates the good
And never misses a chance
To worm his way in
And eat away our resolve.

Planting doubt and resentment
And feeding off our weakness
Breeding and hatching
Resentment and hatred.

Pitting man against man
And splitting the good apart
Before we can harvest the fruit
That only God could plant.

The enemy is fierce
And God knows he is persistent
Now more than ever
He corrupts and destroys.

Poisoning our emotions
And exacerbating our differences
Stoking our suspicions
And exploiting our fears.

I am a ghost
And a shadow
Nothing more than a memory
Shelved and forgotten.

A formless vapor
Disembodied and voiceless
An unwelcome reminder
In a house of horror.

Manifested by the smallest of margins
Of collective memory
Clinging to the rafters
Where no one can see.

If you have heard me
Then maybe you could know
That there is more than what you see
With the best yet to come.

When all our eyes are opened
And we can see at last
The world made over again
Better than before.

I stand at the threshold
And wait at the door
Always knocking and asking
For everything I want.

String my bones back together
And attached the sinews
At the joints
Call up the blood
And summon the spirit.

Because I am coming back
And I am coming home
More determined than ever
Everything from nothing

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