Monday, August 6, 2012

Cloud of Dust

In a Cloud of Dust 8/6/2012

The dead horses are coming
And with them comes the horror
As we blindly stare desensitized,
To blood, murder, and death.

Behold come the riders
Kicking up, a cloud of dust
Riding hard and riding fast
To close the distance
Between tomorrow
And the past.

But if you didn't look
Then you wouldn't know
And if you didn't know
You would never understand.

That what is real
And what is fake
Is open for buiness
And open for sale.

The truth to be spun
And all the reasons tailored
Just to blame the truthful
For the crimes of the past.

You cannot see it
And you cannot touch it
Flowing all around us
Invisible and free.

Words, ideas, and memories
Spread around the world
Slipping through the cracks
That no man can stop.

Our questions search like spiders
And crawl all over the earth
Seeking out answers
In an uncertain world.

Looking for something
Something true and something real
Something to hold on to
When everything falls apart.

There is always good and bad
And there will always be
Those who twist the facts
But the wise should learn
The truth from a lie.

The freedom to know
Is the greatest privilege
And the heaviest weight
A dizzying height
And a devastating low.

Not for the foolish
And not for the vain
But food for the thoughtful
And dreams for the great.

Woe unto the man
Who would seek to control it
Taking for himself
The title of God.

Seeking the enslavement of men
Through ignorance of truth
Censoring history
And hiding the facts.

The good need no agenda
And have no reason
To seek control
Making men into mice
To evaluate and control.

Taking away liberty
And taking away the truth
Controlling every moment
From the cradle to the grave.

Yes there is always evil
And there is always poverty
No matter what we do
And no matter what we spend.

Insanity runs through the brains
Of the tormented and the damned
Pushing them over the edge
In a world gone insane.

But you can’t always trust
What it is that you hear
And you can’t always believe
Half of what you see.

Beware of blanket solutions
And manufactured crises
Because although truth does not cause murder
Tyranny is worse than death.

Listen to your conscience
And consult with your soul
With unshakeable faith
And a willing spirit.

No one can kill
What never dies
Though the streets fill with terror
And the rivers run with blood.

Obey your instincts
With your ear to the ground
Because the earth has started to shudder
And wobble off center.

Hold your own
And mark your time
Because evil will spend his rage
And fall upon the sword.

Do not be fooled
And do not be distracted
But keep your heart centered
And remain steadfast
To the truth of good and evil
The same as it always was.

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