Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Leviathan 8/8/2012

Somebody knows
Where all the bodies are buried
And somebody knows
Where all the bloody rags
Were burned.

Deep down beneath the surface
Somebody keeps a secret
The damning tapes
And recorded conversations.

Underneath the blinding sun
There are many dark places
Where prying eyes cannot see
And the public does not know.

But the truth is worse
Than any kind of fiction
And the motives are worse
Than greed or lust.

Man seeks to control
And he seeks to create
Taking everything
And giving nothing.

Taking life in his hands
And shaping it to his will
Playing God
And killing every day.

Yes there are other things
Than what we see and hear
But if you can imagine a nightmare
Then you can imagine the truth.

We are lab rats
And we are numbers
Sorted, numbered, and used
Spent, wasted, and abused.

Underneath an iron mountain
Is where the secrets remain
Locked away in the dark
For the right time
To release.

We get bored
And we buy amusements
But never do we question
Or try and escape.

Welcome to the present
Where nothing is sacred
And everything is negotiable
Everything relative
And everything for sale.

And we have grown up in a cave
And been filtered through the system
Taught the same old lies
Over and over and over.

But for me the earth cracked open
And I finally saw the light of day
Waking me up
And driving me on.

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