Friday, August 24, 2012

Acid Test

Acid Test 8/24/2012

The world pretends indifference
But it all depends
On what you think
And who you are.

Cold, cruel and different
It offers band aids to the wounded
And platitudes to the lost
But never enough effort
To change a fucking thing.

Demanding everything
But giving nothing
As it adds on the weight
To the honorable
And over burdened.

But it will never be enough
And it won’t change a thing
So they will keep asking for more
And keep blaming the good.

The land is tired
And I can feel it shudder
Under my feet
Barely moving
Dead and cold.

So much has happened
And so much has been said
But it’s all based on falsehood
Just like it always was.

It has long since been time
To all of this to end
But nothing ever happens
Until the work is done.

My mouth bleeds out the words
And I hold my hands
At my side
Head raised high
But no longer smiling
And no longer proud.

I am tired
And the road is awfully hard
Enduring one thing after another
Without hope
And without a friend.

I lost everything
And I will never be the same
Hounded every day
And sleepless at night.

Nothing was too small to take
And no insult was spared
As I look across the emptiness
Where I once used to live.

So begins the hard work
Of rising again and again
Inch by inch
And step by step.

Others have been lifted
And others had their help
But for me and mine
It will be unassisted
And hard.

This is for everything
Or for nothing
Because all of this
Shall turn to dust.

But there is more to be gained
Than anything we leave behind
And God has more to offer
Than anything man can plan.

But either we learn or we don’t
And either we push on through
Or give up along the way
Driving ourselves even after
Everything is lost.

And it is a good feeling
To know that it’s okay
Even if I lose
And even if I suffer.

Eternity is a whole lot longer
Than this little puff of smoke
Just another day dream
Inside of someone else’s skin.

But I want it all
Everything back
Plus a whole lot more
From here to forever
All of it
And so much more.

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