Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Easy Come and Easy Go

Easy Come and Easy Go,

A Shallow Grave 8/7/2012

If you want to find me
Then look for the loose dirt
Hastily buried in the woods
Where I last saw myself.

It is here that I dug the hole
And it is here that I wait
Hiding in the world of the dead
And waiting to wake up.

Dead eyes do not cry
But remain frozen in horror
Staring forever
Sinking and rotting.

And the sun has no memory
Burning my skin
Without mercy
Or regret.

That I live at all
Is a miracle and a fluke
An accidental man
Accidentally born.

And I have spent my life
Looking the wrong direction
While everything disappeared
Stolen from the other direction.

If vampires suck blood on mars
Then all ghosts live on the moon
Wandering on the dark side
Where none of us can see.

One half burning hot
And the other
Colder than ice
Dead barren and forgotten
And frozen in time.

Don’t tell me
That it is easy
Because now I know the truth
Losing more than I ever gained
And sliding backwards
Over time.

But I don’t really know
What is worse
The good or the bad
Because even horror helps you learn
And treasure can rob you blind.

Go and tell someone else
How important love is
Because it only lasts a little while
And then it disappears.

Weakened by boredom
And dulled by obligation
Eventually succumbing
To resentment
And indifference.

A cold remote distance
Is all that we keep
Far away from risk
And far away from blame.

People make sacrifices
I know that one for sure
Because I have made the highest one
And remain
Silent and dead.

I gave it
What I had
But it was never enough
But only because I cared
And did the right thing.

Some people do not live
And all they do is take
Giving only to get
And loving only to steal.

Let them have this earth
And let them be buried in it
Gone forever
Dead and cold.

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