Friday, August 10, 2012


Happy 8/10/2012

My dreams
Are not what they used to be
And my prayers
Will never be the same.

Burned by the sun
And dried out on the sand
I have returned
Wounded and empty handed.

Others live and others die
But they seem unchanged
Appearing on cue
And walking away.

But I am forever changed
And traveling in another direction
For reasons I have learned
But can never explain.

Some memories are heavy
So we must drag them along
Too heavy to lift
And too painful to acknowledge.

Always there
But kept out of sight
Loss, loneliness
Death and regret.

But it is better to know
Then it is to pretend
And it is better to suffer
Than it is to forget.

Beware of those
Without a spirit
And without a soul
Always calculating
And scheming.

Men who live
Only for themselves
Always scanning the area
For something to take
Or someone to use.

Just let them be
And let them go
Letting them live and take
Until they wither and die.

For their world is dying
And ours is yet to come
Their reward already given
And their punishment
Adding up fast.

It is more than enough
To be good
And be happy
Even if you don’t change the world
Or make the news.

Let others have their glory
And brag about themselves
Because that is all that they will get
And ours is yet to come.

I am just a man
Nothing more
And nothing less
With nothing to prove
And nothing to gain.

And it is an honor
To live and to love
Without false praise
Or hollow victory.

I have my family
And I have my friends
More than enough
And overflowing.

So do not worry
And do not despair
But smile and know
That God is everywhere
Even when we suffer
And even when we cry.

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