Friday, August 17, 2012

Faces of Horror

Faces of Horror 8/17/2012

A nightmare is a dream
That begins with sleep
And ends in terror
And life is a sleep walk
That ends
When we awake.

Many have bled
And many have been slaughtered
Enough for an army
Of ghosts from the sky.

Come with me
And see the faces of horror
Shrieking in the street
Hopeless and wailing.

Standing over the slain
All dismembered and bleeding
Blown to pieces
And all washed away.

The good wring their hands
And weep at the sight
As the sirens echo
Up and down the streets.

Staggered by the loss
That comes without explanation
A murderous reality
They should have seen coming.

But even the best laid plans
Always fall apart
If they come from the darkness
Of soulless men.

Though outnumbered and outgunned
The good shall prevail
But only after bleeding
And only after learning.

In just one moment
Everything can change
As unseen circumstances converge
In one specific point of time.

The tipping point is here
And it has been a long time coming
When the low hanging fruit is cut off
And rots on the ground.

What seemed inevitable
Shall be erased in an hour
And what seemed impossible
Shall carry the day.

The evil scourge shall wither and fall
Over ripe and over sold
Always singing the same old song
Dumb, tired, and wasted.

Welcome to the end
And welcome to the beginning
The sparks of creation
From the ashes of death.

For the innocent
Terror is fleeting
But for the guilty
It shall have no end.

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