Thursday, August 9, 2012

American Anvil

American Anvil

Dead Weight 8/9/2012

The weight of normalcy
Carries us along
Pulling us backwards
And downwards.

Like gravity
It is invisible
But powerful
Hard to understand
And hard to escape.

It drags us down
The long road to death
Slowly but surely
Tightening its grip
Like a snake around our chest.

It takes a tremendous effort
To fight against the grain
Breaking through this atmosphere
Of lethargy and inertia.

The march of time
And the inevitable decay
Is only punctuated
By loss, degradation, and murder.

As we slowly become accustomed
To less freedom
More restrictions
And thought control.

Desensitized to the carnage
And more compliant than rebellious
We can easily be manipulated
And put to sleep.

So welcome to the end
The one we have made
Getting what we asked for
Before the music starts to fade.

Wake up
And hear the noise
Because it’s better to die
With your eyes open
Then with asleep at the wheel.

Here’s to those
Who have been there before
And here’s to those
Who lived long enough to speak.

There is no time like the present
To do what you have dreamed
Living out loud
And telling it like it is.

Show me a picture
And I’ll show you the truth
Rattling off the words
One, two, three, and four.

The more you think
The more you can see
That it always takes the worst
To get us going
And it always costs us dearly
To get back, what we had.

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