Thursday, August 30, 2012

Shifting Gears

Shifting Gears 8/30/2012

We live by the rules
And do what we are told
Even though we see
And even though we know.

That rules do not apply
To everyone, everywhere
But only for us
And only for show.

There are no special protections
And there is no special status
Not for me
And not for you.

Not for the good
And not for the responsible
Nothing but more of the same
Working just to work
Against the odds
And against the grain.

Clawing uphill
And trying to find a foothold
Just to keep
Our heads above water.

Days become weeks
And weeks become years
As we slowly plod along
And meekly grow old.

Some victories maybe silent
But they are still sweet
That we live at all
And that we understand.

We still have the sun
And we still have each other
Still treading water
And still just as strong

Even though we have failed
We still try again
And even though we fall apart
We still know
Deep inside.

The seasons change
And even the leaves
Turn color and fall
But life goes on
And endures.

Time and distance
Have destroyed many
And many hearts
Are calloused with indifference.

But those who love
Will understand
And those who seek
Shall always find.

If we really ask
With all our heart
Then we will know
What to choose
And how to pray.

We will find the peace
That we were promised
Even in heartbreak
And even in despair.

We will reach down within
And find the strength
To carry on
One foot in front of the other
And one hour at a time.

We will hold our heads high
Even in loss
And even in shame
For those who have lost
Have gained the victory
That no man can take
Or control.

Every time we smile
And every time we try
Learning by loss
And growing through dying.

No matter where I am
And no matter what I have done
I have never left
And I am still at home.

God has found me
And I know that I am loved
Now more than ever
Even when it hurts.

He wants more for us
Than what comfort can bring
So he stretches us out
To feel his glory.

No matter what happens
And no matter my mistakes
I am becoming
A new man.

There are far greater riches
Than what this world can give
And this peace
Is the greatest treasure.

Cherish it
Now and forever
Because nothing is lost
And all things are new.

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