Friday, September 30, 2011

Same Old Song

Same old song 9/30/2011

It’s the same old song

Thats way too heavily emoted

Taking something meaningful

Dumbing it down

And dragging it out.

A one sided heavy lie

Smugly conceived

And thinly disguised

A blind allegiance to hypocrisy

That tries to deceive

And wishes we would die.

The killer becomes the hero

That the murdered somehow deserved

And the good are threatened

And evil excused.

It begs a deeper question

About who we really are

And why no one will wake up

And see the real truth.

Spoon fed from birth

We are led by our nose

Pretending that what is right

Is always what is wrong.

Quick to attack

Anyone who questions

With accusations and labels

And no proof at all.

It is easy to see

And difficult to ignore

The incredible folly of man

Always looking the other way

When death is at his heels.

No one speaks

For fear of attack

And the innocent are mocked

While the vain are worshipped.

You can put on lots of glitter

But in the end

It will take something more

Real intelligence

And talent.

Some might ask

What it is that I desire

Well I’ll have to tell the truth

What I want is something real

And never fake.

Nothing less

Than a total renewal

Of the spirit and the heart

An aristocracy of merit

With principals and freedom

No matter how it looks.

A real revolution of the mind

With eyes open and clear

A true reflection of our character

That does not deceive or lie.

A humility that reaches deep

Deep down into the soul

That only the truly strong

Can ever hope to know.

A dead level reckoning

For every single thing

Totally authentic

And never fake.

A true vision

And a real art

Something beautiful

That touches the soul

And makes everything new.

A real love

And an iron will

Without reservation

Or quantification

Something solid

And never fake.

More vivid colors

That contrast and reveal

The true inner beauty

We can see with our minds.

A new earth and heaven

One that cannot fade, chip, or crack

Without limitations

Fully healed

And whole.

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