Monday, September 26, 2011


Awake 9/26/2011

Some days are good
And some days are bad
Lost in the routine
Of a million distractions
The meaning and the cure.

It is hard to feel the same
And I hate all the indifference
That insidious pull of gravity
Pulling me into
A silent gray death.

All good men may suffer
And even the King's head
Is weighed down
By obligation and debt.

We experience the day
But remain a bystander
Cut off from the living
And far away from safety.

Inertia like gravity
Holds the status quo in place
Lulling us to sleep
In a false sense of safety.

Our minds drift
From thought to thought
Frozen by inaction
And atrophied by time.

My heart stopped
When I stopped caring
And I stopped caring
When all my friends were dead.

I dream that they are with me
But they are but ghosts
Of friendships past
Just shadows of what was
Frozen in time.

I live
But only in the shadows
And I act
But only to survive.

But something has happened
In the deepest of sleep
And from the smallest of sparks
Comes the greatest of fires.

The spirit has descended
And rests upon my heart
Awakening what was asleep
And inspiring me to action.

I can feel it coming
And with it
The weight is lifted
And my life is new.

If I am here at all
Then there is a reason
And if there is a reason
It will never be known
If I am silent or dead.

The price of life is high
But only for the willing
And the price of silence
Cannot be counted
Because without words
There is no love.

My heart is full of fire
And all I had to do was ask
But even the greatest of fires
Burns itself out
Without an opening for air.

Life hurts
And to speak
Is also to risk
That the hand or heart outstretched
Could be rejected
And come back empty
Or ashamed.

To learn is to understand
What it means to make a guess
Knowing what are your limits
In words, thoughts, and deeds.

I have searched for this wisdom
Elusive as a dream
And more precious than treasure
But the search itself
Remains the greatest
And an end in itself.

It burns even when I sleep
And I can sense the spirit
Lifting me under his wings
Taking me to greater heights
Than any I could bear.

I shall keep a pen beside me
qand write down the words
Whispered by the ghosts
In the thin cold air.

Their words and no my own
Shall burn forth
And shine through the fog
leading us all to greater glories
And bringing us all
Safely home.

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