Friday, September 30, 2011

The Confidence Man

The Confidence Man 9/30/2011

Written just now, regarding memories of a Christmas Eve 12/24/2007

The fire is spreading
And driven by the wind
A howling blistering gale
Blackening the sky
And scorching the earth.

The air has evaporated
And the sparks rise high
Catching the trees like kindling
And burning all the houses.

What we have made
Shall all fall and crumble
Collapsing all our memories
And destroying all our dreams.

The rains come and flood
But not where they are needed
Rising in the rivers
And overflowing the banks.

The land rises up
And slides against itself
Cracking the buildings
And shaking the walls.

But what is lost
Is not what we think
Because the material world
Does not matter
And we are not betrayed
By money alone.

Our times are full
Adn the tipping point is here
Either for the better
Or for the worse.

No loss can be ignored
And unfinished work
Is the reason
We are blind
Dumb and dead.

We have started
But never completed
And we have begun
But never ended.

Adding on and adding up
But never have we made the choices
The tough but necessary decisons
And seen them through
No matter what.

But instead we have compromised
And mortgaged away tomorrow
With promises to keep
And debts too big to pay.

We say tomorrow
But tomorrow is today
And we beg and threaten
But the damage is done.

For a few days of popularity
A horrible negligence is committed
And for fear of words
Many have their heads in the sand.

The fruit is ripe on the tree
But it is filled with poison
A bitter rotten harvest
Grown from the seeds
We ourselves have planted.

The end is not unwelcome
And it should not be a surprise
But rather a consequence
We always knew
But kept putting off.

Others have always paid
For the stupidity of others
But someday the payment is made
For all and one
Done and gone.

There is nothing new
In this grand pageant
Because its all happened before
But no one cared to notice.

Proud, selfish, useless, and smug
We think that we are safe
But outside the firestorm grows
Hungry for fuel
And never satisfied.

Look with open eyes
And see the real hatred
Slow and silent
Patient and deadly.

Remember now
Or remember then
But it is the difference of men
To save or to steal.

The inside is more important
Than the outside
And the heart
Is stronger than death.

I will survive the fire
And I will still smile
Even with nothing
And even alone.

Even the best liar
Cannot hide forever
Even though he tries
He shall also suffer
Be abandoned and die.

Let the terrors come
I have no fear of them
The night has no power
Over the good who have seen
And the humble who know.

They like to look perfect
But inside they are dead
Cold, frigid, and lifeless
Hygenically clean and fake.

They do what is expected
But only for how it looks
Without a conscience
And without a soul.

They put their hands
Under the table
And swindle all thier friends
Anything for a profit
And anything to win.

The people of the lie
Have no honor or respect
Because they text at funerals
And mock a wounded man.

The sneak into buildings
Adn they put on public shows
Horrifically taunting the good
And laughing at their loss.

All of us suffer
And it is foolish to complain
But there is nothing like the holidays
When you are all alone
And all you get is mocking messages
From the one who took it all.

A bizarre message of marriage
When you just lost your wife
Enough to make you shiver
At the incredible lack of judgement
Immature and vain.

What kind of man
Would do that?
And how can that be good
Nothing but a fraud and a liar
Already lost and dead.

They injure the good
With a knife through the back
Stealing everything they could
And mocking all their faith.

They asked me to the meetings
And I know about the letters
Learning all the truth
The things I already guessed.

They mocked me with a number
And they mocked me in the night
But the number stands for them
And all that they are.

Their time is coming
And nothing can stop it now
Growing stronger and stronger
And squeezing more and more.

The sky shall streak with fire
And lightning shall split the night
As the spirit grows stronger
Day after day
And night after night.

The warnings have expired
And truth is at the door
I know it in my heart
And I feel it in my hands.

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