Thursday, September 8, 2011

911 a poem

Nine One One: A poem on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks

The streets still buzz with laughter

And the crowds walk by asleep

While the world drones on in slumber

On their way to someplace else.

But for me

I do not want to walk

Because the streets

Are filled with memory

And horror.

A smoking mass of death

Of twisted steel and glass

Concrete and dust

Smoke and fire

Steel canyons and concrete mountains

Surround the souls between

As we stare out glass windows

Down at the world below.

The truth still is

Just as we always knew

That part in the back of your mind

That we are taught

Not to trust.

God doesn’t force himself
On the living or the dead

And I rest in his wisdom

For it is he who will be the judge

Between my enemies and me.

There are those

Versed in murder

And how they love

To twist the facts.

Nothing to low

Or two ghastly

To achieve their desires

Nothing but to subjugate

Coerce, convert or murder.

In the name of peace

Many have died in vain

And in the name of kindness

The fatherless will cry.

How can you fight an enemy

If you can’t even say his name

And how can you save freedom?

When it dies

From the inside out.

The enemy is complacency

And only the vigilant will survive

Our ideals worth more than tolerance

And our children worth more than lies.

Hateful men love to injure

And their favorite weapon is guilt

But let God find the truly guilty

And wipe them away.

Heroes don’t need to hide

And martyrs don’t wear a mask

For the just do not cut throats

And the good never run.

They pray for destruction

And they minds are full of hatred

We must know it and speak it

And make no apologies.

I am not ashamed

For who I am

And I won’t apologize

For where I am from.

I am not guilty

For the crimes of any other

And this I know for sure

I don’t owe anyone


A giant has started to awake

Because he has been sleeping

Soon he will stand

And the whole world will shake.

You can go and tell the reverend

That his chickens will soon come home

To perch on his own head

A crude and hateful man.

Small men with smaller minds

They have not spoken to God

But only to a demon

Inside of themselves.

They like to make speeches

And listen to themselves

And they love to yell and scream

In their own foolish vanity.

They have denied the true Lord

In words and in their hearts

Seeking instead the prophet of doom

And the glory of murder.

A slow moving invasion

Threatens the future

But wise is the man who understands

That now is the time to fight

Before ignorance overcomes

En masse.

A man murders not women

And a man marries not a child

God does not require murder

To make anyone believe.

I have seen the hatred

And it is not our fault

That is the biggest lie of all

The one they tell over and over

The one they wish was true.

Evil men lust for power

And care not for the future

For many have been condemned

By the purchase of votes.

Behold a Trojan horse

Is sitting inside our homes

And those within

Have unlocked the gates

For the enemy to slit our throats.

I am not afraid to die

But I feel much more than that

Because I intend to do much better

Than just sit around and wait

But ready to defend

And willing to kill.

Come and kick in my door

And find out what will happen

Because I have seen

And I know how it ends.

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