Friday, September 9, 2011

Doctor No

Doctor No 9/9/2011 I just wrote this in five minutes. I will be in Raleigh NC next week and don't think I'll get to write any. Just some thoughts on having the courage to say "No"

If you have not learned already
Than now is the time
Time to learn
And time to know.

There are many who would live
If they had only said no
And there are many who have suffered
Just because others
Were confused.

We follow the path
That is easy
The one that is laid out
The one that is easy
With the least resistance.

But the wide path leads to death
And may are those who walk it
Never knowing and never comprehending
The truth
Or the light.

I am the shadow
Of the things that were
and I am the promise
Of who I am learning.

Sleeping in the dust
Through a long dry season
And waking up
After a long nights dream.

A cruel day is shinning
And the sun beats down
On the good and the bad
But the difference is in knowing
And doing what you can.

But even the worst
Could be better
If we just knew
How much was enough.

There is a time to love
And there is a time to go
Even if we are alone
And even if we suffer.

For it is better to be alone
Than to walk in death
And better it is to lose
Than it is to pretend.

The prophets belong to the ages
And many are those who lived before
Who also loved and also cried
And who sacrificed
Rolled over and died.

I am a vessel
And I am a voice
Crying out in the desert
Never knowing if anyone listens
And never knowing if anyone understands.

It is hard to be a man
And there is little comfort
In the shadows
but I have lived this dream before
And know all its horrors.

I drank the grapes
And I ate the wheat
Never thinking about
How it was planted
And how it grows.

The dreams of the dead
Are more simple than you think
Unwanted they wander
Unable to leave
And unable to rest.

Tied to a past
That won't let them go
Trapped in worlds of silence
Without any hope of reoncilliation
Or peace.

They groan from phantom pains
And think they are living
Retracing their steps
In an unending ritual
Dragging their feet
And dragging their chains.

But for the living
There is hope
That tomorrow is today
And enough is enough.

A good enough time
To say goodbye
With a hopeful heart
And a determined mind.

To confront what is wrong
And unburden your emotions
To avoid cruelty
And unwanted expectations.

To say no
Even if it hurts
Becuse it is better that others suffer
A little
Than to suffer forever.

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