Tuesday, September 27, 2011

85 North

85 North 9/27/2011

Join me in a duel
On a highway of death
Dragging the past behind us
In tons of screaming metal.

There is no need to fear
If you are seriously delinquent
Because its already too late
To be perfect
And no one cares at all.

In death there are no phone calls
And in the hereafter
There is no boredom
Nothing ever so ugly
That you have to tear it down.

No lemmings clawing up the road
And nobody turned upside down
Making us all wait
And screwing us around.

If you don't know by now
Then maybe you never will
Just how cruel the world can be
And just how horribly skewed.

It takes a strange confidence
To taunt a man in a cage
Reminding him every day
what he once had
But lost.

To dangle freedom
In his face
Whie he struggles
Against the chains.

Standing in a gray cube
Without love or comfort
While life runs on and on
Without apparent consequence.

We all hold our breath and wait
For something to give
Or anything to happen
Something we can hang onto
And know we are alive.

I tired to paint the memory
But covered the canvas in black
Covering it with white crosses
To resurrect the dead.

Without blood
And without asphalt
Nothing but the glass
And twisted metal.

A slow drip into the vein
Or gushing out an artery
We are found, measured and weighed
Or buried under a tree.

Some will run
And some will save
While others kneel to the moon god
And wail.

But life goes on
And remains so superficial
Fake, shallow, dumb, and dead
Wasted and useless.

I have stood and waited
But there is nothing there
Just a whole lot of pretending
That leaves me twisting slowly
And hanging in the air.

But for me the indifference burns
Because it lives without passion
And surivives without air
A cold and frigid nightmare
That should never survive.

But if this be the world
Then what are we to do
And what are we to feel
Exhausted by the weight
Of heavy handed lies.

With nothing but silence
So that we would not know
What it means to be alive
And to suffer.

Driving down the asphalt
And wearing down the treads
I'll take my chances
Rather than to know
the horror that awaits.

You can join me
Or you can go
There is no need to ask
And nothing left to question.

The future is what it is
And I guess that they are right
I would never understand
Because I was born free
And live like a I am.

Join me in life
That lives not in fear
Heading north
With nothing left to lose.

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