Friday, September 2, 2011

Stepping Stones a poem

Stepping stones 9/2/2011

Beneath our feet

The past lies buried

Covered up by time

The hopes and the dreams

Lay where they fell

Frozen forever

And hardened into the past.

A sudden storm can uncover

The secrets of the past

Or maybe a shovel

Will strike and find

The ancient and the lost.

Deep in our minds

We have buried ourselves

Until we do not know

Who we are

Or what we believe.

Things do not happen

In the blink of an eye

And climbing up

Is a lot harder

Than falling down

Or giving up.

I have heard many things

And I have learned a few

But there are some things

That defy everything

And lay in the open

Bleeding and sore.

Some people

Are better at pretending

And I wonder about what they think

But I can’t see what good it would do

For me to be something else

Than what I am.

With time

We are supposed to grow wiser

But it doesn’t do much good

If we don’t make changes

And live in the truth.

Not every question

Has an answer

And not everything we see

Is half of what it seems.

Because I have learned

That even the fat

Can be hungry

And even the laughing

Can cry.

Walking down

Past the ages

I end up walking

Deeper into my soul

Passing the stages of life

Into the part

I barely remember.

A collective soul

And a intermingled past

Both ancient and forgotten

Into the soup from which we came.

Stone walls

Cut out of the bedrock

And hollowed from the inside out

The bony framework

That houses our soul.

It is here that I find it

The deepest part of man

And I light the torch

Inside of my heart

To find my way home.

I have learned to walk alone

But that is not

What we were meant to be

But all connected by God

So we could light

Each others way.

I have been searching here

In the ancient places

Trying to find the secret

So that I could know

And understand.

I have asked for the words

And God has freely given

But not just for me

And not just for now.

But for something greater

A mission and a purpose

Bigger than power and position

And more important than

How it appears.

God brings words to my mind

And God brings people together

No matter how accidental

Perfectly thought and perfectly planned.

He wanted me to write this

And he wanted me to understand

That it is all for a reason

That we’ll see in the end.

Words can be riddles

And words can inspire the soul

Igniting brilliant fires

That no man can put out.

Everything is here

And everything is known

Everything understood

And everything forgiven.

I am learning

And I am growing

Back to the person I really am

But never knew.

There are others as well

For we all seek to understand

Growing from the inside out

Into something greater

And more profound.

Another year has passed

And still I hold love dear

No matter what is lost

I grow greater inside.

I do not know the future

But I can learn from the past

Holding on to what’s important

And letting go of mistakes.

No matter what hardship comes

I will never give in

More determined than ever

To finish what was started.

Our lives meet at a confluence

And interchange with synchronicity

With each and every action

Multiplying outwards

A thousand times a thousand.

Tomorrow is clouded in mystery

But my heart remains the same

No matter the calm or the storm

Eternity remains.

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