Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dances with Ghosts

The Ghost Dance 9/7/2011

A mirror bounces back our reflection

At the speed of light
But everything is not as it seems
Because there are smaller
And bigger things
Invisible and compressed.

In a world of shadows

You cannot trust your eyes
Because all we see are shadows
Of the hidden
And the real.

Invisible places

That you cannot see
Where memories go
And where we sleep.

A Trojan horse

Hides its true intentions
And hides a hidden threat
A gift filled with murder

And I a falsehood

Filled with truth.

We are spirits controlling bodies
Both foreign and heavy
Transferred from another place
And another time.

Our lack of vision

And our lack of knowledge
Makes us suffer
And makes us want.

But what we long for

Is only hidden
By a curvature in time
As we live inside of dreams
Imposed upon a line.

An energy we cannot see

And a light we do not know

Not a moment older

In a million years

And not a moment wasted

On the other side of space.

Swirling inwards

In a cold vacuum
Into another place
And into another time.

A world that we have imagined

Far from the weight of time
On the other side of darkness
A world full of light.

Burning, burning

The sacred heart

Burning forever

Inside of our souls.

A spark has traveled through

And landed inside my head
Burning out of control
And scorching out my eyes.

I am more alive

Than I ever was before

Less afraid

With bolts of lightening
Coursing through my veins.

I try to seem mild

And I pretend to be weak

But I am like an iron angel
With burning eyes
And flashing teeth.

The prophets have spoken

But few are those who listen

And fewer are those who act

But better it is for those who tried

Than it is for those who steal.

Dream a little dream

And die a little death
Joining me in the flow

To the places

We do not see.

I cannot see it

But yet I know it’s there

The real life
That we live backwards

And upside down.

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