Monday, October 3, 2011

Deadneck Anthem

Deadneck Anthem 10/3/2011

I wanted to write
About something better
Maybe something happy
About sunny afternoons
And the fruit of the sun.

But this place and time is different
And life has brought me low
So I sit in my office
And write about the pain.

Outside the world is beautiful
A perfect fall day
The streets full of people
Who walk, talk, and laugh.

But for me, life has split into pieces
And I am a different man
The person who walked
And the person who laughed
Has died and gone away.

The kid who was born in Kansas
Adn grew up on the priarie
Who spent weekends at Cedar Bluff
Adn rode down the alleys
On his bike or board.

He went to school
And grew into someone else
Smashed, crushed
Bruised, and bloodied
Never really exploring who he was
Or expressing what he felt.

His life and times are gone forever
Irretrievably broken and lost
Washed away
And painted over
Into something gray
And something worse.

I was a student
Nameless and faceless
Unable to really know
Without living it through.

Now that I have lived
I know what I want
But now it seems just foolish
As I sit sifting through the wreckage
And the ruins of the past.

The suffering has been hard
And the dying to self
Has taken forever
Losing everything I loved
In slow painful degrees.

Overtime love should deepen
Because we accept and understand
But not all of us have the heart
Or love enough to know.

But death has set my spirit free
And this ghost no longer worries
About what anyone might think
But instead burns with a passion
That can never die away.

Let the fire dance in the sky
Adn let the world catch on fire
Fusing all these thoughts together
In a great ball of emotion
Exploding into a million words.

Let the colors splash on the page
Vivid, bright and passionate
Grabbing you by the guts
And never letting go.

Let the clouds gather
And pour out their wrath
Beating upon the roofs
In a silver sheet of rain.

Let the words come
And shake the earth to its core
Exposing every truth
And every single lie.

Cutting through
Like a sword
Piercing the fog
Illuminating all the hidden
And bathing me in light.

The invisible particiles shall dance
And float in a column of light
As the world tilts sideways
And the skies clap with thunder.

Tossing the seas upon the shore
In a thunderous wall
Wiping away all we built
Leaving the sand clean
Pink and white.

Clearing out the holes
And flooding all the pits
Flushing out all the cowards
Who have all run away.

The cage is open
And the chains are on the floor
Free to speak
Loud, passionate, and clear.

Unbreakable is the spirit
No matter what can happen
Rising through the ashes
And burning in the sky.

I shall write about the truth
Adn I shall write about love
Not what it used to be
But what it must be.

Something undeniable
And written in the sky
Unadulterated and true.

No lie can stand against it
And no argument can change it
Just as true as it always was
And impossible to ignore.

Something bigger than me
And something greater than the world
And uncontrollable.

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