Thursday, September 22, 2011

Undead Poets Society


I am not going to write this

Just to rattle some cages

But rather to take a match

To some paper

And set the world on fire.

A fire that burns in the heart

That no man can ever put out

Consuming all that we were

And spreading out of control.

To release the burning spirit

The one we have denied

And let him loose upon the sleeping

Waking them up

From endless dreams.

The truth is here

Hidden in plain sight

But no until we speak it

Will it ever be seen.

The world is frozen in silence

And I get nothing in return

But silence tells me everything

That I already knew.

Its hard to keep a secret from a liar

Because they have much to hide

And even silence betrays the truth

Because we all know

That they are is watching.

Sometimes life defies logic

And wounds our collective soul

A gaping wound

Bleeding through the bandages

That no one seems to see.

Sometimes there is just not enough

And someone has to lose

Or someone has to die

The last scraps consumed

And all the places filled

Leaving someone with an empty stomach

Or empty pockets.

The lonely have nothing to hold

Untouched and unloved

And they twist their hands

Hanging their heads

In the worst kind of shame.

But some things stick out

And sear into memory

Things that cannot be explained

By logic or reason.

These are the things

That shake us violently

Down to our very soul

And even with time

Remain painful and shocking.

They have no sensible explanation

Because it is too awful to admit

Dripping with a hatred, greed, and jealousy

That deceives, robs, and kills.

They lay out nakeed

Like bloody bodies in the sun

Crying out for vengance

Unheard and unknown.

No one looks

And no one speaks

Lest they have to acknowledge

Truths to horrible to confront

And wounds that cannot heal.

People all around me

Make small talk and laugh

But I just stare shell shocked

Into a different place and time.

If will was enough

I would be home now

Instead of endlessly clawing

Back to someplace else.

Any fool can die

Because everyone will

And nothing is as selfish

As a suicide.

But those who know love

Survive not for themselves

But for others

The young and the powerless

Who always pay the ransome

In a million silent ways.

Real strenght tires to save

And real strenght is loyal

Unflinching in hardship

And full of life.

Two, four, seven, three

And six, eight, fifty one

The numbers have meaning

But only in the end

Because the writing is on the wall

But no one wants to read.

Ancient prophets spoke

But no one wanted to know

Too busy to listen

And too deaf to hear.

But the wirlwind is coming

So we had better be ready

Because the past is far away

And the present is all we know.

Listen to the ground

And open up your eyes

Let the world hear the truth

Before the night lulls us to sleep.

Now is the time for love

But not the fake or superficial

But to speak, love, feel, and remember

What is real

And what is true.

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