Thursday, December 22, 2016

Flood Warning

Flood Warning           12/22/2016

This is the night of nines
Eight floors below
As we stroll through
The garden of beasts
In and out the door. 

Sliding in
And sliding down
Closer and closer
To zero. 

Tied up and tied off
The loose ends
Are run down
Or suicided.

Convenient and silent
The truth is subverted
Dormant for another day
And another night.  

Dispersed in every direction
The evil army sleeps
Scatted, and splintered
Impossible to track
And Hard to find.

All of it on purpose
The trickle
Becomes a flood
The hands of complicity
Dripping with blood. 

All of it predictable
And all of it paid for
The same as it always was
A long time ago.

The roots are hated
But the tree is murder
All based on a lie
And the poisonous fruit
Of death. 

See it blossom
And see it bloom
Three minutes till midnight
Terror, deception, and doom. 

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