Thursday, December 1, 2016


Mudslide                  12/1/2016

Once you are in
There is no way out
Only with a mouthful of dirt
Ashes and all. 

They cut her open
And then they pulled me out
Like a cold dark plunge
Into a great wide open. 

Nothing is safe
And nothing is simple
If all you believe
Is what you are told. 

Curling inward
And into a knot
The twisted thinking
Of deluded souls. 

But if you believe
Then you are free
Even if you suffer
And even if you lose. 

Long ago corrupted
And long ago lost
The world drunk with blood
Staggering off a cliff. 

But even death
Will give up the secrets
Spitting out
Every bone. 

The long silent witnesses
To all that was
Crying out
Behind the veil. 

What was hidden
And huge
The truth in the sky
Shinning like the sun. 

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