Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Sub-glacial                                                          12/6/2016

Ghosts on the moon
And ghosts on mars
Drinking the blood of vampires
And bathing in the brine.

The ships have all sailed
And are headed for the reef
Riding on the waves
For fun and profit.

There is always more
Than what we see and hear
Never to be spoken
Hidden in the ice. 

Some have found a stairway
And others pretend to know
The shadows in the deep
Eternal and dumb.

Pretending to be gods
They seek to cull the herd
Incrementally killing us all
One day at a time. 

Creating crises
And profiting from the spoils
The nation raping swine
With their heads
In a trough. 

Even now plotting
And even now conspiring
Sneaking in
And sneaking out. 

Feeding the hand that kills
And birthing every horror
All of it on purpose
And all of it planned. 

Prisoners of the ice
The fortress of the damned
Banished and buried
The beginning
And the end. 

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