Thursday, December 15, 2016


Inertia                   12/15/2016

Another lump
Passes down
And another hump
Pushes us through.

Always moving
Towards another day
Ready or not
Inevitable and sad.  

Trapped in a bubble
That we cannot escape
And slaves to time
Flat on a table.

All headed for something
That we cannot see
And all destined to lose
The here and the now. 

The thinnest of veils
Is all we know
Separating us
From everything.

Like fish in fishbowl
Looking outwards in
Unaware and swimming
Against the flow. 

Eating and sleeping
Fast and slow
But never outside
We cannot survive. 

The barrier is real
But our dreams roam free
Imagining everything
We cannot do.

The truth is locked up
Deep down inside
But yet everything we need
Remains right here
And right now. 

Prisoners of our own doubts
And afraid of our own voice
Unbelieving fools
Faithless and timid.

Drug down by the weight
We are carried by the current
Unable to do anything
Except tread water. 

It’s time to speak
And it’s time to act
Now even when
We cannot see
And do not know.

We will never break through
If we do not try
Belly up
And sideways down.

The days are hard
For those who love
But better it is to lose
Than never love at all. 

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