Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter Passing

Winter Passing                          12/20/2016

I wasn’t supposed
To wake up
And I wasn’t supposed
To rock the boat. 

Born to sleep
And live out my dreams
Dozing in the shallows
Face down 
And dumb.
And bored to death
A true believer
And empty buyer.

Over burdened
And over spent
Distracted by sparkles
Dangled in my eyes.   

But something happened
And something changed
As tiny as a droplet of water
Falling like a cinder
On top of my head.

Almost imperceptible
The vanishing wisp of vapor
The promise of eternity
Acceptance and faith. 

Falling deep within
and straight to the mark
The inner eye opened
A tinder and a spark.

It was then
That it all began
The long nights journey
Into day.

But we cannot win
Until we lose
Giving up all that was
To take on
What is new. 

It hurt
But waking up
Always does
Bracing and cold
The labor of the day.

The harvest awaits
So let us work
Even though it drains away
And even though
It dissapears. 

The seed is planted
And sacrifice is made
Long ago buried
And rising again.

The fruit is the promise
And now I see the signs
Some of it real
And some of it fake.

Against insurmountable odds
We live
And breathe
Loved eternally
And never forgotten.

Others may sleep
And others may rage
Let them all fall away
In the hour
And in the day.  

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