Thursday, December 8, 2016

Red Zone

The red zone    12/8/2016

Beaten, cornered
Rejected, and wounded
Nothing is more dangerous
Than hatred and pride. 

And how many
Have been murdered
Right after they choose
As evil doubles back
vicious and cruel. 

Lashing out
No matter who it hurts
The evil humiliated
And consumed by revenge.

Willing to kill
Anyone they can
Determined to destroy
What they cannot possess.

Returning with weapons
And returning with friends
Avenging false pride
And imaginary wounds. 

Snarling in the dark
They fear the sunlight
Preferring to attack
And hit from behind. 

Burning with jealousy
They live without honor
A murderer from the beginning
And full of deceit. 

See them now
Licking their wounds
Always ready
To pounce and kill. 

Men without a conscience
And beasts without a soul
Poisoned from birth
In a world gone insane. 

Cursed from the start
And lost in the end
Burning with hatred
For the living
And the dead. 

Now is the time
To watch there every move
Awake in the night
And aware in the day.  

Over your shoulder
And behind every corner
The evil of men
With no way out.

Come quickly
And hasten the day
All of them gone
In the blink of an eye. 

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