Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Razor      12/20/2016

Life goes on
With barely a ripple
Nothing but a silent thought
Lost to time. 

We stare at
A pointless screen
Skimmed over
And never understood. 

She told me
That words have power
And that is also true
Because words are everything
And also nothing. 

Either lost forever
Or nurtured in wounds
The thoughtless damage
Of emotion
Or omission.

We seek to know
But never do
As I still wonder why
And get nothing.

We all know anger
And we all know disappointment
But who can allow
The ambivalence of nothingness.

We are
Who we are
And that much is me
A pitiful waste
Left in the lurch
Naked and dead.

I laughed without knowledge
And let my emotions rule
Unprotected and unguarded
Foolish, dumb and raw. 

Unknowingly judged
And secretly measured
Money over loyalty
And escape over truth.

I did not lie
Not then
And not now
But the liar lives
And liars lie.

I did what I thought was right
But it didn’t matter at all
Overleveraged and undefended
Ripe, fat, and limp. 

They kept me close
And watched my moves
Tracking me
Day and night. 

Calling me up
And calling me friend
All the while envious
And all the while cruel. 

Trading places
In the dark
Under the table
And far away. 

Gaming the tables
For every advantage
The evil of the eye
Shifting small and fake. 

Whispering and lying
Hiding and taking
The busy hands of a thief
In my back pocket.

I did not suspect
That least possible threat
But the greatest of losses
Can come form
The weakest of hands. 

With a cheap malice
And a shallow heart
The unbelievable grief
Sudden and cruel. 

I asked her why
And she cut me in half
The words I cannot forget
Night and day
Day and night. 

We can build up
Or we can tear down
All lined up
Neat and deadly. 

Today I am guarded
And today I am humble
Never again as trusting
And never again as safe.

Straightened and scrubbed
And strangled by debt
Without choice
But to lose.    

Standing alone
I signed what I had
Undefended and cold
Abandoned and sad.

It has been a long road back
And I have not made it yet
But still I remember
And cannot forget. 

Let evil slip
And let evil fall
The proud and the mighty
Brought low. 

Let the words
Condemn with knowledge
Of what, who, and when
The truth more than enough
For everyone to see. 

At the perfect time
And at the perfect place
The liar exposed
To eat them all.   

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