Wednesday, December 21, 2016


 Serpentine              12/21/2016

Nothing is enough
But evil carries the day
Unencumbered by conscience
Empty, soulless, and vile. 

Heaping praise upon the killers
And vilifying honest men
The truly abominable
Hateful liar.

A wise man should know
That open doors
Close caskets
As evil sneaks in
Crawling on his belly.

The cages are opened
And now the beasts emerge
Imported and dispersed
On time
And on purpose. 

The cause and effect
Straight as a razor
The intent to destroy
With every action
Or inaction.

The ghost of the future
Stares into our soul
Asking us again and again
What course
We will follow.

Evil does not want
An apology
And evil does not desire
Our repentance
For peace. 

All it wants is death
And all it gives is suffering
Waiting for the good to weaken
So they can murder
And steal. 

Now they come out
And you can see who they are
The face of true hatred
Exposed to daylight
And contorted with rage.

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