Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Double think     12/21/2016

By the tiniest of margins
We have survived
Escaping more than we know
Dead in the ground. 

Deep down
All of them knew
But they doubted themselves
Into the grave. 

Second guessing
And double minded
They overruled their instincts
Willfully giving in
Trusting and dead.

And all they had to do
Was say no
Keeping their distance
Far away from here. 

Bludgeoned and beaten
Defiled and discarded
The wasted flesh
Of the tragically misguided. 

No one warned them
And no one spoke
As they all whistled
Past the graveyard
On their way to the end. 

Pride kills
And the weakest
Are always vain
Jealous and envious
Murderous and dumb. 

Lashing out
Without reason
And unable to grasp
Or grow.  

Let them dangle
And let them die
Come to the end
Without appeal
Or sympathy. 

Never true
And never worthy
The evil of darkness
Hateful, vile, and empty. 

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