Thursday, December 1, 2016


Camelot                              12/1/2016

Alone on the ice
I never felt so free
Master of my own silence
Gliding effortlessly
Cold, white and clean. 

I could see my breath
And hear the blade
Striking and sliding
And picking up speed. 

For a brief moment
The ice castle was mine
My own fortress of silence
Perfectly carved
Solid, and clear.

Joined by the family
We raced down the hall
Laughing and playing
Holding hands
In lazy circles. 

The spirit is here
Surging in my veins
Shouting with abandon
Absurdities with glee.

Our voices ringing
Off the rafters
And our laughter
Hanging in the eaves. 

Our own private Camelot
And our own beautiful dream
Invisible, impregnable,
Silver, white, and cream. 

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