Monday, August 31, 2015

Brake Check

Brake Check      8/31/2015

Inward, outward
Over, and done
We attract what we are
And repel everything else.

The discomfort is gone
But reality has set in
That something is wrong
And it’s going to get worse.

If I have been wrong
Then I have been right
Because even a fool
Can guess
And learn from his mistakes.

But what am I to think
When I track the omissions
When every single mistake
Points in the same direction.

Waking up and going to sleep
We all react
Just like we think
Sensitive to appearance
And criticism.

Compensating and over compensating
Trying to please everyone
In order to be accepted
And loved.

But what would
The evil do
Except to do the absolute minimum
Just enough to survive
And continue. 

Unhindered by conscience
And immune to guilt
Methodically taking aim
With every action they take. 

Willing to use every trick
And lying with ease
Stonewalling every effort
Hiding all the evidence
Through coercing and threat.

It took a sharp knife
For me to awaken
But waking up is nothing
When you are already
Bleeding out.  

We are just passengers
Watching the scenery
As the bus driver plots the course
Driving us where he will
And pressing on the gas.

You can switch your driver
But the direction never changes
Regardless of club
Each one is bought
Packaged and sold. 
Hold on to your seat
Because there is no room for error
As the masters of deception
Make all the arrangements
For you and for me. 

Faster and faster
We watch the scenery change
From good to bad
And from better to worse. 

The arrow of decision
Points where it will
Obviously deliberate 
Off the road
And over the ledge. 

Friday, August 21, 2015


Transmutation      8/21/2015

Wounded but not dead
The white bird flies
Healed from the inside out
Lifting me up
And make me whole. 

The blows have come
Heavy and hard
But yet we survive
An indomitable remnant
Struggling within ourselves.

What has happened
Prepares us
As we learn from the past
To endure the future.

The greatest tests
Often go unnoticed
And even the smallest victories
Can make the greatest difference.

Nothing is over
And neither is the end
Unfolding before our eyes
The burning hatred
Of evil released. 

Lashing out
To do what it will
Inflicting as much damage
As it can
While it can. 

Horror upon horror
Documented and viewed
As even the deepest secrets
Are revealed for all. 

The truth will be twisted
And excuses will be made
Each blaming the other
Until the bitter end.

See the signs
Of bloody attrition
As the hounds are released
And fight among themselves.

Stalking and hunting
The old and the young
Anyone undefended,
Unprepared and unaware. 

Lie upon lie
And guilt upon lies
And unforgivable. 

Grace heals
And peace restores
Sustaining life
And feeding the soul. 

My iron wings have healed
And now I am alive
Unbound, unrestrained,
Fearless and free.    

Unmistakable and immeasurable
The miracle of life
And spiritual transformation
More than what we see
And more than what we are.

Code and Pattern

Code and Pattern                      8/21/2015

Everyone has faith 
Even those who believe in nothing
Their faith firmly in themselves 
And the approval of others.

Swimming like bait fish
In the sunlit waters 
Never having the courage 
To risk 
And to know.  

If we came from nothing
Then everything is nothing
Nothing but an accidental
Combustion of miasma
Accidental, random and meaningless.

My thoughts and spirit
Nothing but a random hallucination
The imaginings of an amoeba
Swimming in soup. 

But in my smallest pieces
Therein lies the name
A code written in letters
In a sequence of meaning
And information stored.

And what prophet
Or prognosticator
Has ever been right every time?
Provable beyond myth
And hidden in plain sight. 

To tell this truth
Is to be the hated
Mocked for the obvious
Unfolding before our eyes.

All of this
Has happened before
Played out on a reel
And stored in history.

All the same
And predictable on cue
The beginning, the middle,
And the end
Cause and effect
Choices and consequence. 

Never once wrong
No not even once
As one step leads to another
Like my hand over flame.
It’s sad that we forget
And it’s sad that we are weak
Arrogantly pleasing others
Out of narcissism and pride.

Poking at the usual targets
The kind we know cannot hurt us
And mercilessly mocking the honest
Every chance we get.

But who has the courage
To speak the truth?
The real truth
Even against the protected
And above reproach?

If you cannot
Then you must know
Deep down the truth
And everywhere. 

We jump on the few
And rain down with ridicule
While ignoring far worse
Every day and everywhere.  

Trace the blood trail
And see where it leads
Always to the same place
Now and then 
The truth and the lie.  

Grow up out of guilt
And come up out of fear
To the fresh air of truth
About who, why, and where.

I also have lived
And I also have suffered
Suspended in the night
Dangling between
Wanting to live
And wanting to die. 

Beyond all explanation
I was plucked out of place
And given a treasure
A precursor of truth
Undeserved and beautiful.

But if I had the slightest doubt
I would surely tell you know
But never have I been more certain
Of anything, anywhere. 

If only, we could believe
But without expectation
Even before we saw
And even before we knew.

We always plan
And we always wait
But by the time we see the proof
It’s always too late. 

Now is the moment to ask 
And now is the moment to knock
Unceasingly to try
Even without an answer 
With everything you are.    

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Impotent me

Naked Impotence   8/20/2015

Just like sitting in the park
With a hole in your head
Tied up like a loose end 
Useless and expendable. 

But isn’t that all of us
The people inside the skin
Place holders and tools
Sitting in a row. 

Pulled out when necessary
And used until its time
Recycled into worm food
Or stripped for money. 

I live
But I am broken
Dead in the head
And cut off at the knees.

Withdrawn inside myself
Shriveled and impotent
Wasted along the way
By foolishness and pride. 

I thought I was immortal
And I lived for what I wanted
Pushing my luck
On borrowed grace. 

Stretching out my neck
At the worst possible time
Cut off and cut away
Headless, and limp.

I look at myself
And I look at my head
Still shocked I am alive
Without knowing how
Or knowing why. 

How long can I crawl?
And how long can I breathe?
Crawling along a razor
Covered in salt. 

A weight to my companions
And toothless to my wife
Nothing but a mouth
Dripping with blood. 

De clawed, devalued
Neutered, and limp
A donkey with a pack
Useful but Slow,
Boring and tired.   

Doubled over
And doubled down
Gut shot
From both sides
Hemorrhaging and mute. 

Unwilling and unable
Used up and wasted
Crumpled in a puddle
Face down.

Two and Twenty

Two and Twenty    8/20/2015

Black birds circle
In a dark and dusky sky
Smudged through a windshield
Diving and crying.    

Circling me
As I circle down
Spinning faster and faster
Over the drain
And under the spout. 

Thick as soup
And pregnant with anticipation
The weight of time
Full of fuel
And lightning. 

I thought I was free
And I thought I could skate
Coasting through life
Effortless and smooth. 

But thin  ice
Will crack under pressure
Dropping us through
And locking us down. 

And many have died
Back home in the ponds
Venturing out
When they should have stayed home.

The truth is
I never really tried
Paralyzed and impotent
With no one to pull me up
And no one to break me through. 

Staring sideways
Into a monochromatic wasteland
Frozen, white,
Gray and dead. 

Numb to the pain
And bleeding from the head
Dripping on the ice
Shocking and bright. 

Careless when we should be cautious
And timid when we should have fought
We pull against ourselves
And swing at shadows. 

Stomping on bugs
And abandoning our friends
We run from the evil
Exploding all around. 

Prostrating ourselves
Before little gods of clay
Obeying every rule
With empty heads
And frozen feet.

Furtively looking
And plaintively waiting
For someone else to help  
And someone else to act.