Friday, May 1, 2015

The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone   5/1/2015

The dying breathe
Like a fish on the deck
Opening and closing their mouth
Reflexive, spasmodic,
And dead.

We see what we want
But it is impossible to forget
All that we fear
And all that we lose.

We can argue all day
But nothing can persuade
A man who has observed,
And knows.

Reality is the beaten man
Lying in a ditch
Barely able to speak
Swollen and bleeding.

You will probably not hear it
But that doesn’t mean
It did not happen
Just another drop in the ocean
No one wants to hear. 

Sometimes all you can do
Is  survive
But today is a day
To do a little more.

Stand up
And say no
Lest the beast be fed,
And devour us all. 

Because even a beast
Cannot survive
Without victims,
Or praise. 

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