Thursday, April 30, 2015


Transmutation                                            April 30, 2015

I brushed it on
And rubbed it of
Layering the finish
To recreate the patina
Of centuries of time

Sometimes it works
And sometimes it doesn’t
But the pursuit of beauty
Is often best achieved
When accidental
And imperfect.

Sometimes there is nothing
Except for waiting
For a falling spark of inspiration
To ignite the imagination
And empty out the heart.
Loneliness can be painful
And loss, can break your back
But even these things
Can be transmuted
Into something more.

In a strange alchemy
Indescribable and divine
We become something else
Filled with light.

The dam bursts
And the water flows
Sweeping everything away
Obliterating every evil
And emotional obstruction.

We are cleansed of the demons
And now the deception has cleared
Inspired to communicate
What we never knew before. 

No matter, where we have been
And no matter, what we have done
We can still be new
Right here
And right now.

Take even the ashes
And let them settle
Feeding the dirt
And fertilizing the soul.

So that even the burned
Shall blossom
Truly alive
And shining,
Like the sun.  

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