Friday, May 8, 2015


Contemplation                                                                  5/8/2015

There is much above
And there is much below
But we were chosen to dwell
With one foot in heaven
And the other in hell.

An ancient link
Ever present and true
Alive in me
And alive in you.

It has been hard
And I have had my doubts
Wrestling with myself
On many long dark nights
Of the soul.

Faith has sustained me
Even in the blackest night
As I dangled on the precipice
Of hopelessness and despair.

The bottomless chasm
Awaits us all
But only if we give up
And give in.

The world is upside down
Tilted uphill
And filled with deception
Stacked and rigged against us
For the longest of times.

The good are hated
Just because they are good
Murdered since the beginning
Out of jealousy and pride.

We who have lost
Now also know
That nothing lasts forever
In the here and now.

We will be together again
And I will be with you
Because what was will be
And what was wrong
Shall disappear.

We were meant to learn
And we were meant to know
All of us together
Creating and conspiring.

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