Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Provocateur      5/6/2015


The mud makes the shape
But the water
Will make it stick
Everything and nothing
Alive in my mind.

Some fear the truth
So they seek to suppress it
Through intimidation, violence
Or legal entanglement.

Reducing the individual
To nothing but meat
A piece of a beast
To be manipulated
And used. 

But we were taught to love
And commanded to forgive
Raised with civility  
And protected by God. 

But  in the end
We were also deceived
Lied to every day
And entertained every night.

We were loved
But we were poisoned
And now we lay down like lambs
For nothing at all. 

The good are hated
And the hated were good
Brave enough to face the truth
The same as it always was.

I told myself, it didn’t matter
While I suffered
And while I lost
Pushing down and sucking up
Every single day.

But although we suffer
We were not called
To be suicided
And we were never told
That we must surrender. 

The beast grows brazen
For lack of resistance
And many are murdered
like they never lived at all.
As if words are enough
To change the truth
Many are disenfranchised
And shamed to silence.

Scroll down a little more
And then start over
Searching out, what is real
And discerning what is false.

I have seen the look before
Proud, arrogant, and vain
Burning with hatred
And brazen bravado. 

But all the bluster in the world
Cannot overcome the truth
No matter how hidden
Or transparent. 

Behold the desperate enablers
And beware the cornered beast
Resigning himself to destroy
All that he can.  

And trapped by lies
He pokes holes in the bottom
Sinking himself
To drown us all. 

Rise up
And take up your sword
Even in fear
And certain death. 

For God will save the good
Even when, all seems lost
Returning us all
Where we always belonged. 

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