Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Full Blooded

Full Blooded Ghost -- AKA Rob McManus    5/19/2015 

I slept for forty years
But when I woke up
I was already dead
Gutted, skewered,
And roasted under glass. 

I thought, I could start over
But, I was already done
Offered up, like a sacrifice
My heart, in her hand.    

The truth is rare
But there are some, who know
Those with their feet in reality
And sunk to the neck.

It was all,
Just a day dream
And none of it, was true
Gone in an instant
Like it never happened at all. 

Her winsome smiles were gone
And just like that
I was done
Discarded for nothing
But a fake and empty fool.  

Deep beneath the blank expression
There was an evil intent
Lurking in the depths
Of a disingenuous soul. 

Seduced and destroyed
Loved and consumed
Until there is nothing left
But a burned out husk.  

I have shed my body
But, yet I still cling to life
A ghostly presence
Real enough to hate
But unable to love. 
A full blooded ghost
Haunting his own dreams
Cold, pale
Transparent and sad. 

Put your hand on me
And feel it pass right through
As I exist only to remember
As a messenger to one
And a witness to you..

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