Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Needy Bleeds

 The Needy Bleeds                 5/21/2015

In just one day
Or in a single hour
So much can change
As we all wait for something
Or anything at all.

We sit in chairs
And stand in lines
All of us waiting
For money or for food.

Beneath the all the details
There is the dichotomy
We live
And we die
Unwilling captives
On our way to the end. 

We chase the rabbit
Or lunge at the carrot
For the most part
Without question
Or thought. 

Reality hits hard 
But at different times
And in different ways
As either, we wake up
Or just roll over. 

I can stare at the ceiling
Or I can stare at the wall
Inanimate as a box
Dead or alive. 

We pull the lever
And get, what we want
But none of it, will feed the soul
And none of it
Will last. 

We don’t speak
And we don’t listen
So we never learn
And never grow. 

Wasting our time
Dancing in a circle
Hedging our bets
Manipulated and dumb.

Next to us
Is the killer
Unable to escape
A splintered psyche
And violent urges.

Joking one minute
And slashing the next
No more an man
Than a beast.

We eat, and we drink
We work, and we earn
Buying, and selling
Mere inches from hell.

And unprepared
Victims of desires
We do not understand. 

We survive 
But never understand 
That all we had to do 
Was swallow our pride
And try something new.  

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