Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Messages               5/12/2015

This is my message in a bottle
Set adrift in the endless sea
 Riding the current
To go where it may. 

We wrote a prayer on a balloon
And watched  it rise to heaven
But not every prayer can be answered
In the here and now.

A poem is a group of words
Strung together in phrases
Meaning one thing today
And another tomorrow.

The first time I learned
Everything was far away
A Hardened antiquity
To be absorbed
And memorized. 

Arguments were to be won  
With cynicism and wit
While we remained safe
Win, lose, or draw.

But once you have lived
And once you have seen
All argument becomes pointless
And futile.

If you pick up enough rocks
You will know what’s underneath
And if you make friends with a snake
You are about to be bitten.

This is the silent war
Unspeakable and invisible
A bloody conflict of attrition
Of which we dare not speak.

But now that the truth is out
There is no going back
As all the lies come unraveled
And all pretensions disappear.

Behold the cornered beast
Shameless and hateful
Determined to kill all he can
While he can. 

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