Monday, May 4, 2015

Brain Drain

Brain Drain  5/4/2015

Pull the plug
And let it drain out
Because it’s hard to scour
Water mixed with mud. 

I was always waiting
For just the perfect time
But I should have known sooner
That it, would never come. 

By the time we ever notice
We are knee deep in water
Out of luck
And out of time. 

All it took was neglect
And surrender
As we gave in
And we gave up.

An inch here
And an inch there
Until the cracks became a sieve
And the trickle a flood.

The butchers bill is due
And it gets bigger every day
As one stupidity breeds another
And then, ten thousand more. 

Alone we are vulnerable
But the herd stampedes off a cliff      
As we spin in a circle
Faster around the drain.

But yet, we sleep
And stare at the screens
Dumb enough to believe
Everything they say. 

Noting but an experiment
As our sentiments, are engineered
Marinating in a petri dish
Just to see,
What will work. 

But how can anyone?
Be a victim of culture
When culture is created by men
And, not the other way around.

So here we go again
Around and around
Still just as blind
And still just as dumb. 

As we were
And as we are
As wisdom becomes a memory
Eroded, diluted,
And washed down the drain. 

I hope the dead remember
Because that is our only hope
Refreshed in a new world
Born of fire,
ash, and blood. 

A dove brought the fire
Now let it rain on you
Becoming more than who you are
Unbreakable and true. 

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