Monday, May 18, 2015


Cloudy    5/18/2015

Death is sad
But existing can be a horror
Because many who breathe
Have never,
Opened their eyes.

The earth spins and circles
Wobbling on its axis
Dancing around the sun
Passing over me
And passing over you. 

Right now we feel safe
But even now
You can feel it turning
On the back of your neck,
And in the pit, of your stomach.

Far away the search goes on
As the doors are kicked in
And the good dragged away
Slaughtered over faith
And hatred. 

Screaming and wailing
Pierce the night
While we decorate our mansions
And sit on our hands.

I can taste the blood in my mouth
And feel, the gut wrenching loss
As each and every day
We die a little more. 

The ground crumbles beneath our feet
But all we do is back away
Propped up by a burning scaffold
And dangling off a cliff.

Only a few can see
Just how far we have fallen
Dumb, shallow,  
Spoiled and corrupt. 

How much could we accomplish?
If only we tried
But instead we only, play with feathers
And look in the mirror. 

Venal, exploitative,
Violent, and cruel
The insane run rampant
Remorseless, and savage.

If you can hear
Listen for the call
And if you can see
Open up and stare.

The trumpet is calling
And evil has been exposed
No longer hidden
And no longer restrained. 

Come home and ask
Look inside yourself, and pray
Unafraid to know
And unafraid to act. 

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