Thursday, May 14, 2015

About Face

About Face 5/14/2015

We pick at our wounds
Just to keep them bleeding
But we ignore
The tumors in our heart.

We make small talk
About the weather
Or about a game
Inconsequential nothingness
For criticism or blame.

Normalcy goes on
And nothing is changed
As reality festers underneath
Killing us all
With a long boring death.

There are no proper words
And no accurate measurement
For the price of estrangement
And cruel betrayal.

But anger is deadly
And disgust a disease
Eating away at our insides
Like sulfuric acid.

It is useless to suffer         
But we do it anyway
As we ritually cut ourselves
For no reason at all.

I don’t know why
But it hurts even now
The careless words
That cut me in half. 

But now, I did not boil
And now, I do not hate
I only shake my head
And smile. 

I can see her sideways glance
Even now, I feel it
Fresh and exhilarating
The spirit far stronger
Like seawater on my face!

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