Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Tendrils   1/14/2015

The air is thick with something
Spreading like invisible tendrils of smoke
Curling up our nostrils
Dark and odious.  

Right in front of our face
Across the block
Or across the city
Something awful is happening
Cruel, savage, and brutal.      

If no one speaks it
Did it really happen?
As the good are silenced
Out of fear and deceit.   

Truly innocent
And slaughtered 
The unknowing and undefended
Altruistic, foolish, and meek
Sacrificial lambs for evil.      

The truth dies
When men cannot speak
And fear is universal
When speech is fatal. 

My ear has heard
And my soul has answered
In a search for words
That reflect my emotions. 

The world is alive
Even as it dies
And we are all connected
In invisible ways. 

The writer becomes the reader
And the reader understands
All that we have thought
In dreams, thoughts, and visions.  

That is the glue 
That holds us together
When everything else is gone
And we are alone.

Pain, sorrow,
Joy, and gratitude
The shared sign posts
From one life to another.

Today we rejoice
While others weep
So we write and read
For them and for us. 

Evil takes
And evil murders
Never satisfied
And never full. 

In the absence of resolve
Evil becomes bold
And the silence of many   
If the voice of complicity. 

What will it take
For the sleeping to awake?
And what good is wakefulness
Without courage and conviction?

I am alone
And I write in shared silence
A lone voice
In the wilderness.

There is nothing left
To hold on to
And there is precious little love
To feed my heart.

So I grasp
At what I can
The gift
Inside the soul.

My comfort
And my peace
My love
And my salvation.

This world will try and crush you
Bowling you over
And stomping on your head
Anything to get you to quit
And anything to get you to run.

To live is to be hurt
And to love is to die
But nothing is wasted
If we learn and grow. 

I grew in my sleep
And now I am a giant
Larger than foolish dreams
And stronger than a mountain.  

Though humbled
And straightened
I know God hears
And loves. 

Pray now
Even if you are afraid
Asking with all that you are
Pure and true.

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