Thursday, January 22, 2015

A hole in the wall

A hole in the wall   1/22/2015

It is true
That a lot can happen
Just before the end
Especially when its predetermined
And the fix is always in. 

It took me a long time to know
That I, was the broken bird
Helped along in the sky
By others greater and stronger.

The blows come
Hard and heavy
Crushing our spirit
Like a weight around the neck.  

But though we be
Sick and gray
A part of us remains
Inwardly strong.  

I dug a hole in the wall
And made my escape
Tunneling out under
Guilt and regret. 

My wings are healed
And now I can fly
As I ride the current
Swift, sure, and high.

Reality matters more
And the truth most of all
One in the same
And true every day. 

That is what
We should lean on
Just as good today
As it ever was.  

So let them spin the cylinder
And play chicken with God
Gambling with eternity
Proud, dead, and dumb

Let the liars lie
And hate in their hearts
Past, present, and future
Until the very end.  

They have crossed the Charles River
And now comes the call
Wake up
And get ready
You, me, and all.   

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