Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ice High

Ice High 1/21/2015

The silence is everything
And nothing can break it
Like a secret long buried
Under miles of ice.

Don’t ask me
If it is fair
Because you already know
That it’s not. 

Suppressed, and hidden
In the blackest shadows
Are the reasons we endure
And suffer.  

God gave us everything
But we always want more
Taking credit for everything
And thinking of ourselves.

I have been far away from here
In another time and place
But where ever we go
We are always the same.  

There is always war
Acknowledged or not
And there is always murder
Hidden and done.

Obstacles are removed
And secrets buried
Just to keep it quiet
And keep us, as fools. 

In my dreams
I have been there
And in my heart
I have known. 

Good, and evil
Worry, and waste
Deep, dark and secret
The one and only cure.

Eternity calls
But who will hear?
Too busy being scared
And hiding underground.

Fearless and free
The good and the courageous
Now more than ever
Authentic and undefeated.  

Hated, hunted
And shot in the back
One and all
Hidden and dark. 

Nothing is, at it seems
But the truth is screaming in our ears
Watching everything
And knowing nothing. 

Find me
And I’ll find you
Know me
And I will know you. 

God is still bigger
And that is best of all
Because he watches all
You, me, and them.

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