Thursday, January 15, 2015


Implausible    1/15/2015

A lie can be plausible
But the truth can be a horror
As any good fiction
Must appear logical
And believable.

But the truth
Can be anything
Even cruel and crazy
As men give in to demons
And run off a cliff. 

The biggest lie of all
Is hidden in plain sight
But many fall all over themselves
To look the other way. 

It is with a dawning horror
That you stare reality in the face
When you realize for the first time
The unimaginable hatred
And cruel indifference.  

Many good people have compromised
Against implacable evil
Giving in
And giving up
To threats and intimidation. 

Backing up
A little more each day
Until they are reduced
To begging and derision. 

Put off to play for time
As evil stacks the deck
Leaving the good outnumbered
And irrelevant. 

It is happening now
Because first they must name it
Before they can act 
The enemy blamed in print
Before they are attacked. 

The future is here
And the time is now
Because what you see
Is not a coincidence
Or an accident. 

What was true
Is still true
And what is wrong
Remains evil.

And unprotected
We fend for ourselves
If not for God
We would dwindle
And disappear.   

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