Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Deep Winter

Deep Winter 1/6/2015

The words come
Like jewels
Twinkling in a cave
Unexpected treasures
For have and hold. 

These are the things
That I never asked for  
And these are the moments
Where the whole world
Is ready.

No matter how far the distance
I have not forgotten a single phrase
Because I hung on every word
For good or for bad.

I slept with her sweater
Long after the smell was gone
As I clung to the smallest remainders
Of everything she was.  

I had to use, it all up
Until there was nothing left
Before I could plumb the depths  
In my head. 

When the bottom drops out
You fall free, into space
Until the law of gravity
Pulls you back inside. 

Where would I be
If not for love?
And where would I sleep
If not for my kids? 

We stare at the dead
And dream that we are living
Fascinated by blood
And repulsed by simplicity. 

Silent as a snowflake
Falling on a frozen bridge
Far away from here
Warm in my bed.

Come listen
And hear what I hear
The call of ancient echoes
Ringing in my ear.   

It is all coming back
And now everyone is near
As even the greatest distance
Becomes as nothing at all. 

We will have it all
The best part of dreams
Elusive, slippery,
Joyful, and complete.    

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