Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dead Winter

Dead Winter 1/14/2015

Unending is the flow
From one boredom
To another
As we satisfy our souls
With gadgets and glitter.

We get up
With a purpose
But then we are distracted
Like an animal
In a tree.

We react
Rather than think
And we live
In the flow.

The current is strong
And we are weak
Letting it pick us up
And carry us away. 

We start out human
But we end up
Something else
As we walk in baby steps
Away from the truth. 

Perhaps we never intended harm
But that is where it leads
Because we seldom learn
What is hot
Until we are burned. 

How many lives are ruined
Because we no one paid attention
Wandering in their sleep
Over a cliff.

Boxing themselves in a corner
With no way out
Except through deceit
And staggering loss.

We lie to ourselves
Long before we lie to others
As we fumble along
Unknowing and dumb. 

It is a tragedy
And it is a horror
That so many twist alone
At the end of their rope. 

The world weeps
And turns over
Hating itself
All over again. 

It will not matter
How it is, that we feel
As long as we try
And do not give up. 

This life does not glow
And it does not glitter
But neither will the baubles
Of the deceived
And the deluded. 

Their time will come
Before they even know it
Them like us
Wasted on the way. 

I wish I had an answer
But all I do, is wait
As I look inside my heart
And wonder, if I am worthy. 

Words are not enough
I know that, most of all
But Gods promise is real
Even if we fail.    

It’s okay to be sad
As long as we try
And it’s okay to weep
As long as we rise. 

Please Lord, hear my prayer
Save me from this black abyss
Pulling me down
And covering me up.    

If he can save me
He can save you
My protector, savior
And everlasting friend.

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