Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Alone 1/13/2015 

Some days are blacker than others
But this one is bottomless gray
As a stare up at the nothingness
Heavy, cold, and wet. 

I crossed the road
And there is no going back
But as always I crane my neck
Just to see what I lost.

Perhaps I am too sentimental
And maybe I blame myself
Pouring over every mistake
Both the Large and small.   

I was born between two worlds
And I never really made a choice
Physically a prisoner of one
While my mind
Was always somewhere else. 

Racing far ahead
And skipping over the details
I always preferred the illusory  
And the ideal.

The world is boring and tedious
Its requirements burdensome and dumb
Holding us back from discovery
Every step of the way. 

But each day
Comes with consequences
And punishments
As we are all taught to comply
And conform. 

We work
And we get paid
All so that we can borrow
And become enslaved. 

Periodically given
A pat on the head
All so that we will feel important
And keep believing. 

Regimented and ranked
We find our proper place
All lined up in a pecking order
Until we move or die.  

You can’t be ahead
If you are behind
And you cannot move
Without commitment
And zeal. 

But what kind of man
Would lie and steal?
Doing anything to win
What he could never own at all. 

I don’t know any of them
And they don’t know me now
As I drift in a different circle
Apart and beyond.

This is theirs
And yes they can have it
Free to squeeze out every last drop
Until it’s gone
And they are done. 

I’ll have mine
They’ll get theirs
In this dead world
And all that is
To come.   

Decide for yourself
Who it is
That you serve
But always tread carefully
Looking forward
And behind.  

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